
What we do

Three tenets guide us at Genamet

How easy is it for providers and patients to use Genamet?

Our whole focus is on improving usability of Genamet without compromising the need for comprehensive functionalities required for a practice to be successful. Is the software intuitive or does it require a lot of thinking and looking around the screen to get the information users want? In other words, how do we minimise clicks?

How easy is to meet the needs of each specialty & practice?

Genamet seeks to meet the unique needs of each specialty.The approach is to make sure that each Provider has access to templates that relate to his/her specialty. Templates, encounters, drugs can be easily tagged as favorites and opened when required thus reducing the number of clicks and solving time spent on documentation. Our artificial intelligence propelled chatbot can take care of routine tasks like opening the patient profile, showing patient vitals and displaying Provider availability.

How can providers improve the performance of their practice?

Genamet takes care of the entire gamut of Practice Management from appointment booking to handling the patient visits or encounters to finally billing & invoicing. Reports on appointments, clinical performance and financial parameters help Practice Owners to focus on metrics that matter most for their practice. We help in managing costs while improving patient outcomes by reducing errors and helping focus on care quality.

chatbot Smiley face


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Smiley face

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