Genamet can be used to manage a wide range of specialty clinics and practices. If you're a doctor specializing in one of the following medical specialties and sub-specialties, this clinic software is right for you:
ENT Surgeons
General Physician
Infectious Diseases Specialists
Obstetrician and Gynaecologists
Orthopaedic Surgeons
Dietitians / Nutritionists
Genamet’s appointment and scheduling section is your online assistant working 24 *7 to fill up your schedule. It delivers quick, user friendly and consistent support to providers and patients while booking appointments
Thousands of appointments booked successfully in the last 12 months
Patients can easily book appointments online or can simply call up your practice and request an appointment. It streamlines your day from start to finish. Appointment confirmations on email and SMS are sent to both you as the provider as well as the patient. Check your schedule right from your phone or desktop. Genamet automatically updates the calendars you already use like Google, Outlook, iCloud or Office 365. You can send your own bespoke confirmations on email/SMS to patients.
Manage appointments across multiple locations and multiple providers. You could be practicing in different locations at different times of the day. With one click, your patients can cut the drudgery. Patients see the calendar that you would want them to see. They can quickly view the availability of various doctors across various locations and self-book their appointments. You can also choose to link bookings to online payment. Patients can book appointments without the need for logging in to the Genamet platform.