Genamet can be used to manage a wide range of specialty clinics and practices. If you're a doctor specializing in one of the following medical specialties and sub-specialties, this clinic software is right for you:
ENT Surgeons
General Physician
Infectious Diseases Specialists
Obstetrician and Gynaecologists
Orthopaedic Surgeons
Dietitians / Nutritionists
As a provider you want to spend every minute with the patient in the most meaningful manner. Access all relevant information in one place – patient appointments schedule, patient information, ICD-10 codes for diagnosis, treatment plans and drug information, all customized for your specialty and practice. Document everything in one screen. Spend more time with your patients. Our AI powered suite of tools provides everything you need very quickly and in the most meaningful manner. Providers can scan and upload documents.
Access and use medical forms and templates that are relevant for your specialty
Tag forms and templates as favorites. Copy them and complete documentation early. Access patient data anywhere and anytime.
Genamet has a powerful machine learning engine that is geared towards reducing the time taken for charting and improving accuracy of documentation leading to better care outcomes. The machine learning engine automates your charting. Using templates is old fashioned and cumbersome. The engine learns continuously from the way you chart and adapts itself to your ways, thus improving your efficiency and productivity without all the fatigue. In other words, it thinks like you.