
Genamet can be used to manage a wide range of specialty clinics and practices. If you're a doctor specializing in one of the following medical specialties and sub-specialties, this clinic software is right for you:
ENT Surgeons
General Physician
Infectious Diseases Specialists
Obstetrician and Gynaecologists
Orthopaedic Surgeons
Dietitians / Nutritionists
At present, doctors operating a successful practice have to deal with the demands of a challenging environment. It is difficult to focus on patient care and also dedicate the required time for business operations. It will be appropriate to outsource the non-medical work functions – billing, administrative work, etc. to a management service organization (MSO); seeking administrative assistance would be the right approach. Such collaborations will allow the MSO to oversee the business activities of the practice, while doctors commit their time and energy on patient care. An MSO is also known as a physician practice management company (PPMC). With the Genamet system's support, doctors can practice in their clinic on their terms while also expanding their business successfully.
A powerful appointment booking and scheduling system offer online support to doctors; with the help of the Genamet system, physicians can fill their schedule 24/7. Some of the features provided by the Genamet system are – robust, user-friendly, and immediate support to doctors and patients; due to the system, the entire appointment booking is a hassle-free process.
Now, patients can leverage the online appointment booking option; patients can also call the clinic's personnel as appropriate. After the appointment confirmation, the physician and patient will receive an email/SMS.
The Genamet system is an excellent choice for doctors to automatically change their existing calendars - Google, Outlook, iCloud, or Office 365. If doctors wish to send correct emails/SMS verifying the booking to the patients, they can do so.
The Genamet system is appropriate for appointment bookings covering varied doctors across locations. Through a single click of the mouse, a patient gets to know the doctor's availability.
The Genamet system is appropriate for self-booking of appointments; the system also features the online booking option. Patients can complete the process without having to log into the system to verify appointments.
A health care system must be effective in treating diseases, extending human life, and boosting the community’s well-being. Using sophisticated health information technology like Genamet, doctors coordinate to deliver comprehensive patient care at a nominal price.
An innovative hospital management system is beneficial for hospitals in increasing patient engagement. Genamet plans to bring a robust hospital management system to the market that fulfills a hospital’s specific requirements.
The integrity of the medical record is vital from a compliance perspective; with the help of the Genamet EMR system, doctors can protect data while ensuring its confidentiality. Doctors must leverage comprehensive medical expertise, effectively utilize an EMR system, and evaluate patients’ health status to thrive. Doctors must continuously improve their time management skills to lessen health care expenditure and maintain patient-doctor relationships. The Genamet system design considers a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare environment; utilization of resources must be for medical necessity. A Genamet system helps physicians improve patient care. Through the Genamet EMR software, doctors can easily store multiple data in a single location – consultation schedule, drug plan, ICD-10 codes for diagnosis, patient appointments scheduled, and patient-related information. Doctors can access all information on a specific screen for supporting decision making.
The AI-powered tools that are a fundamental facet of the Genamet system offer all crucial requirements. The Genamet system is useful in scanning and uploading documents; doctors can apply medical forms and templates for their practice.
The Genamet system is also helpful in tagging forms and templates as favorites; the documentation process is beneficial. The Genamet system is convenient for physicians to retrieve patient data round the clock.
The dashboard is useful for doctors in identifying clinical information on appointments, financial facts, and drugs for diseases.
Electronic medical records (EMRs) are the digital conversion of medical charts; EMRs have exact notes and specific information collected by healthcare professionals. A cloud-based Electronic Medical Record System such as Genamet caters to the requirements of doctors operating from a clinic. Genamet is easy to install in a clinic; it is an intuitive system that enables doctors to enhance their EMR efficiency. Genamet system ensures doctors accomplish their compliance objectives.
The intuitive nature of the Genamet system helps physicians enhance retention and referral rates and confirm new patient visits. The Genamet system ensures patients demonstrate better engagement in their wellbeing. Patients can retrieve prescriptions, health information, physician summaries, and invoices & receipts. Using the Genamet system, patients can apply time-saving tools to enhance their wellbeing. Patients are concerned not only about their welfare but also regarding other aspects – consultation and diagnostic evaluation. In the near future, Genamet will introduce new attributes – health alerts, patient availability, information sharing via email/SMS, updates on preventive measures, and immunization/vaccination alerts; it will enhance patient outreach. Physicians will be able to provide appropriate content on each patient portal.
The Genamet system is useful for physicians in reviewing essential clinical, operational, and governance parameters. It is also possible to use the reporting features to create reports. Through AI, deciphering data is viable, which will help in improving patient outcomes.
Genamet’s entire gamut of reports assists physicians in analyzing data about the clinic’s operations. Data analytics supports the delivery of excellent care outcomes for those in the community and patients confirming their appointments at the clinic.
With the help of the Genamet system, doctors can generate reports about patients’ wellbeing; an effective user interface facilitates a swift response. Using charts and graphs, doctors can evaluate information about appointments, disease types, medication, collections, receivables, and patient history.
A clinic’s owner can leverage the Genamet software to evaluate the physician’s performance about patient care. A doctor can access reports about appointments, clinical, and business results. The process of retrieving reports on the schedule from the mailbox is straightforward.
The world has changed a lot for both doctors and patients alike since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in Q1 2020. We have seen a lot of countries and regions impacted adversely due to the crisis. We have seen patients not being able to visit doctors and hospitals even for regular check-ups and follow-ups. The underlying fear of catching an infection means that patients are extremely hesitant to visit hospitals. Patient footfalls has fallen down as a result. Doctors have also been wary of having patients visit them in their clinics as there are chances that the patients may have the infection. Overall it has become a very difficult proposition for both patients and doctors. This is where Teleconsulting or Video Consulting has come to the rescue of the patients.
Teleconsulting has replaced the need for physical presence of patients especially where there is need for follow-up action or regular check-ups. Psychiatrists have found it very useful while attending to new as well as existing patients. Speaking on video to do a follow-up helps in patients keeping in touch with their doctors. At Genamet, Teleconsulting is done over secure video which means that the patient can talk to the doctor in confidence. Once the teleconsulting appointment is booked, the patient receives an email and SMS with the link and credentials for joining the call. The doctor has the option of re-sending the link and the credentials in case the patient has misplaced the link.
The Genamet EHR is integrated with the video consulting feature. The doctor can chart the patient treatment plan and prescribe medication even as the tele consultation is in progress. The doctor has access to all the patient records at any time. The patient can also send images to the doctor that can be uploaded as part of the consultation. After the conclusion of the session, the doctor can send the summary, treatment plan, list of investigations ordered, prescription and the receipt for the fee paid as a link over SMS and email. The patient can download and print all the documents as required. This can be especially useful where patients want to order their medication from pharmacies online. The whole process is made totally seamless and simple. The pandemic does not mean that all patient-doctor interactions have to end. Instead Genamet becomes the gateway for patients to consult their doctors without running the risk of any infection, from the comfort of their homes. The whole consultation can happen from their mobile phones or computer. Travel costs and travel time is close to nil: a huge saving for patients. Doctors can also schedule the call at a time that is mutually convenient for both doctors and patients.
Physicians will find the Genamet practice management system useful for patient identification based on registration details, contact numbers, names, etc. Since Genamet is a cloud-based HIPAA compliant system, it decreases data entry, integrates favorites, and reduces clicks by selecting from a series of regularly used encounters, drugs, and templates. Patients can use the Genamet system to make online appointment booking. Once it is confirmed, an email/SMS is sent to the patients. Healthcare professionals will not face any hurdle during customization of appointments, timings, and locations. It is not difficult to create invoices and payment receipts. Patients can observe and print invoices and receipts online. Staff at the clinic can boost effectiveness based on alerts, to-do lists, and reminders.
Doctors can customize the Genamet system for the specific requirements of their practice. Through the system, process improvement is feasible. The complete documentation process is not difficult to comprehend. Doctors can decipher patient data round the clock from any area; it helps in informed decision-making.
Clinical, business, and appointment data is accessible for doctors; it results in improved efficiency and profitability. The dashboard comprises of features such as search and drills down along with clinical, financial, and operational metrics.
Genamet supports doctors in boosting patient appointments, reducing costs, and delivering outstanding patient care. The Genamet staff portal is useful in printing receipts and invoices and prescriptions for the patients.
The healthcare domain has witnessed a paradigm transformation mainly due to advancements in telemedicine and digital technology. Patients are increasingly looking at online options for their patient care. Doctors must develop a strategy to improve their clinic’s online presence; it will increase revenue. Any feedback about the clinic will also enhance business growth.
An aggregator site will not always be beneficial to a physician. Aggregators charge excess fees from physicians for each booked appointment; they can observe patient appointment booking to a specific physician. The absence of paid listings will lead to a decrease in patients’ visits.
The healthcare domain is making rapid progress because of app-based service delivery. Patients can communicate with doctors through smartphones from any location 24/7. Genamet is going to bring to the table an App-based health care service delivery.
For a progressive physician, it is an excellent time to get started. Please call us and book a free demo to understand how the Genamet’s system supports physicians in practice management.
Before proceeding to use the site please read and familiarize yourself with the website terms of service. Using the site and/or any of the services, signing up for an account, digitally accepting the terms of use or using the services offered by Genamet means that you are consenting to these terms of use and the privacy policy of Genamet and are bound by them. Please do not use the site if you do not accept the terms of service.
We will post any revisions here with an effective date and in case we make significant changes to these terms of service, we may notify you by sending an email or any other means as deemed appropriate
Genamet is a healthcare platform developed, managed, and owned by Wisdomleaf Technologies Private Limited, a company incorporated in India. Genamet offers Practice and Clinic Management Software on a SaaS (software as a service) model. Software is licensed to Tenants. No title or intellectual property rights of the software is transferred.
These terms of use are a legally binding agreement between you (Tenant, Tenant’s users, users of Genamet and its services, member, subscriber) and Wisdomleaf Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore India (absolute owner of Genamet and its services). Genamet and its services are available to individuals aged 18 years and above and legal entities
Genamet and the services offered by Genamet are operated by Wisdomleaf Technologies (P) Ltd, registered in India under company number U72200KA2003PTC032027 with registered office at 71/1 Margosa Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560 055. You can contact us
These Terms of Use apply to the Tenant, Tenant Admin, Tenant Users, Tenant Staff and all other users created and managed by the Tenant. “Tenant” can mean an individual or business entity. It includes Tenant Account admin/owner, owner of the Practice, employees, agents, vendors, consultants, suppliers, providers, doctors, staff, contractors, or other service providers who are granted access to the Tenant’s account with the authorization of the Tenant Account admin/owner. The Tenant is responsible for the obligations and activities under the Account as well as the obligations and activities of all Users and Team Members within the Account. The terms of use also apply to all non-tenant users such as clients/patients of Tenants and all users who access and its services.
Access or licenses would be provided to the number of users (providers and staff) in line with subscription chosen. The Tenant admin is considered as a provider license. Each user can be accessed by one individual. Passwords should not be shared with anyone else, and the Tenant is entirely responsible for ensuring that use of Genamet and services offered by Genamet is in compliance with all existing laws and regulations. Genamet grants the Tenant with a revocable license to access and use the Service specifically as set in the terms of use. Tenant consents to pay the subscription fee and all such fee that is applicable to the use of Genamet’ s services. The fee depends on the plan chosen and not on the usage. Subscription fee and all other fees are collected through a PCI compliant payment gateway. Genamet is not responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of such payment gateway.
“User(s)” means the Tenant, Tenant Admin, Providers, Staff, Team Member, Tenant’s clients or patients, Tenant Admin, Providers, Staff, Consultants and other users created by the Tenant. User also includes non-Tenants who use Genamet and the services provided by Genamet.
Tenant will have to set-up an account to start using Genamet or its services. Tenant shall provide complete, accurate and the most updated information to Genamet while setting up the account and thereafter while using the settings page and all in all other places where information is required. Tenant (and Tenant’s users) are responsible for the security of their usernames and passwords. Tenant undertakes to notify Genamet immediately in the event of any unauthorised access to the Tenant’s account, username, or password.
Genamet allows Tenant admins the ability to create and publish a mini website for their practice. The domain name of the mini website will be:
If the Tenant admin has a domain of their choice, they can connect that existing domain to the mini website created using Genamet.
The Tenant confirms ownership and authorship of all content uploaded on the mini website. All such content should not be blasphemous, inflammatory, fraudulent, scurrilous, damaging, derogatory, disparaging, ethnically unacceptable, promote animosity, abusive, exhibit pornographic content, or be against any country/ethnic group and cause incitement. The ownership of all such content submitted and published on the Tenant’s mini-website vests with the Tenant. The Tenant is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of such content. The Tenant mini website may offer the option of online appointment bookings. Genamet takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the available slots, fees, online payment and other details. Genamet also takes no responsibility for any misconduct by the Tenant or inappropriate treatment provided by the Tenant. Cancellation and refund policies are independently determined by each Tenant. The Tenant agrees to keep Genamet indemnified against any claim that may arise from the breach of an individual, business owner or business entity’s intellectual property rights.
The Tenant must ensure that the content so published does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party, be it an individual, business owner or a business entity. All content submitted & subsequently published on the Tenant’s mini website (including that of all providers and staff under the Tenant license) would automatically mean that the Tenant has granted a royalty-free world-wide license to Genamet to modify, replicate, reproduce, analyse and publish the Tenant’s content for the purpose of displaying, distributing and promoting the mini-website. A third party cannot copy the contents of the Tenant mini website.
The mini website remains operational till the Tenant account remains current. Termination of the Tenant account would automatically close the mini website of the Tenant.
Genamet is not responsible in any manner for the accuracy, authenticity, or completeness of any information or personal information/data uploaded by the Tenant in the respective mini website such as, but not limited to services offered, academic qualifications, highlights, service fees, timings, and locations among others. All visitors and users of Genamet should make efforts on their own to verify the information provided by the Tenant
Traffic in the Tenant website is assigned to Genamet who can utilise any third-party service(s) to monitor, measure and analyse traffic.
Wisdomleaf Technologies Private Limited provides access to Genamet and its services without warranty of any kind (express or implied) and on an ‘As Is” basis. Genamet does not provide or make any representation, warranty, or guarantee, be it express or implied, about the accuracy and completeness of any such content, data or information. The Tenant must delete any content that is not compliant legally. Genamet reserves the right to delete/modify any content that is deemed unacceptable and if such acts are repeated, terminate the Tenant or suspend the Tenant’s mini website at the sole discretion of Genamet. The content should not contain any links to any other website or service that competes with Genamet.Tenant is exclusively responsible for all acts or omissions in connection with the use of Genamet and its services including incomplete, inaccurate or missing information. The Tenant and all users of Genamet and its services agree that the contents in the site or the Tenant mini websites are not to be taken as professional medical or healthcare advice. The Tenant and the users should not rely on the content without independent corroboration and confirmation by independent medical practitioners. Wisdomleaf Technologies assumes no liability or responsibility for any medical advice, prescription, doctor summary and recommendations among others delivered through Genamet or its services. Genamet provides no warranties that its services meet the compliance standards required locally.
Genamet may, at its own discretion display attribution text or links such as Powered by Genamet in the Tenant website, prescription, invoice, receipt, emails, SMS and other places as necessary. These attributions cannot be deleted, altered, modified or defaced. Genamet has the right to list a Tenant as a client in Tenant agrees to waive moral and privacy rights, and rights of attribution. We may use such listing and modify it as necessary and promote and distribute in advertisements, publicity material and other works at Genamet’ s sole discretion.
The Tenant agrees to indemnify Genamet and holds Wisdomleaf Technologies Private Limited, its Directors, Employees, Consultants, Agents, Affiliates, Representatives and Suppliers harmless from all third party claims or loss (including direct, indirect or reputational) incurred as a result of any infringement of the intellectual property rights of any person or business entity by the Tenant or any unauthorised person or third party using the Tenant’s account with or without the knowledge of the Tenant. The Tenant agrees to provide adequate assistance at the Tenant’s expense to defend any such claim, cost, or liability. Tenant should ensure that no private content is publicly available through the mini website or the Tenant provider portal. Genamet takes no responsibility for any content provided by the Tenant. Content available in public will be indexed by search engines
Tenant or any user will not copy, sell, reproduce, display, distribute, or republish any content that violates the intellectual property including patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, privacy or proprietary rights of Genamet or any third party or report any content in anyway other than as listed or intended to be listed. Wisdomleaf Technologies Private Limited is the owner/ licenser of all intellectual property rights in the site and the material published in it including all rights, title and patents, inventions, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and all other intellectual property relating to the website and the services provided by the Website including product names, marks, logos, symbols, domain names, tag lines used in the website.
Genamet allows the Tenant to upload, download, store content as text, videos, information, audios, images etc. The Tenant is the owner of the content created and stored by the Tenant. The Tenant confirms that such data belongs to the Tenant and has been received in a legal manner. No data may be unlawfully received or stored, and the Tenant is absolutely responsible for the consequences arising out of such illegal activities. Tenant cannot license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available Genamet (website account or mobile app account or Genamet services) to any third party.
The Tenant is the absolute owner of all data pertaining to the patients/clients of the Tenant. The Tenant grants Genamet permission to access, copy, distribute, share, transmit, and publicly display the content of the Tenant’s account as required for the purpose of providing the service to the Tenant. When using Genamet or the services provided by Genamet, a small fee may be applicable if the Tenant would like us to provide a copy of the Tenant’s data. In certain cases, analysis of the Tenant owned data might be published as reports or the Tenant owned data provided to third parties in an anonymised manner. No personal identifiers would be made available.
As part of a re-organisation or a sale, Wisdomleaf Technologies may disclose the Tenant’s personal details (but not that of the Tenant’s clients/patients) to another third party. The third party, in the event of a sale, enjoys the same rights as that of Wisdomleaf Technologies Private Limited.
6.5.1 Tenant will ensure that credentials assigned to a user is not shared with another member within the Tenant’s practice. Tenant will put in place adequate precautions to prevent unauthorised access to Genamet and its services and prevent hacking and defacing of the website. The Tenant also undertakes to ensure that multiple people do not access the same user account. The Tenant is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and other user credentials that the Tenant creates while accessing the services provided by Genamet. Damages incurred due to passwords being disclosed will remain the responsibility of the Tenant.
6.5.2 Tenant will not use Genamet and its services for any unlawful, abusive, threatening and libellous activities.
6.5.3 Tenant will not post jobs in the Tenant mini website or elsewhere in Genamet.
6.5.4The Tenant will not transmit spyware or any software with virus, worm, time bomb, trojan horse or any malicious program.
6.5.5 No user may impersonate or misrepresent or attempt to gain unauthorised access to the account of any Tenant of Genamet or cause others from using Genamet or its services.
6.5.6 No user can launch web crawlers or web spiders or cause undue burden on Genamet servers using programs to hinder the normal working of Genamet and its services. Tenant cannot reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or modify the services provided by Genamet.
6.5.7 Tenant takes responsibility for the acts of the Tenant’s users, clients, and patients. The Tenant account may be terminated for violation of the terms of use, fraud, misuse, falsification, or violation of law.
6.5.8 Genamet communicates with the Tenant using the phone number and email provided by the Tenant. Tenant should keep their details always updated. Tenant and Tenant’s users and all other users agree to receive communication over email or any other means of electronic communication such as WhatsApp and Skype, among others. All communication to Genamet may be sent as an email to
6.5.9 Any password, OTP (one time password), users name or any other piece of information that is provided to you as part of our security procedures is confidential and specific to you. Such information should not be shared with anyone else.
6.5.10 Tenant and users of the Tenant’s Teleconsulting feature are responsible for appropriate conduct while using the Teleconsulting feature offered by Genamet. The Teleconsulting feature should not be used for illegal or unauthorised or criminal activities.
Tenant practice created health records are available to the patient/client in the patient portal after due authentication. Genamet does not validate the information provided by Tenant. To correct discrepancies, please contact the respective practitioners.
a) All charges associated with your subscription plan are payable in advance for the month unless it is a free trial plan.
b) You authorize us or our authorized agents to bill your credit card upon your subscription to the service.
c) We may use a third-party service provider to manage credit card and other payment processing. Such a service provider is not permitted to store, retain or use your personal information except to process your credit card payment.
d) No refunds shall be applicable for the non-use of a service once you have signed up for a paid subscription. All subscription charges are non-refundable unless specified otherwise.
e) A grace period of two calendar days would be given if the payment towards subscription charges is not paid on the due day. After that we will suspend your access to the use of the services until we receive your payment towards subscription charges. The amount will be restored only on payment of a restoration fee of $25.
f) Requests for your data stored in Genamet’s servers would attract an additional one-time fee of $100.
g) Upgrades and downgrades are possible. Downgrading may cause loss of features and reduce the number of users who can access Genamet’ s services. Downgrading will become effective from the date of the next payment due and no pro-rata refunds would be provided for non-use of any feature till the payment due date. In the case of an upgrade, the account will be automatically upgraded the same day and the amount charged accordingly.
h) Subscription charges do not include taxes, government levies, VAT, GST, with-holding taxes. Taxes as applicable would be charged. We will invoice you for applicable taxes and you agree to pay such taxes if invoiced.
Genamet aims to excel in providing support to Tenants and their users. Tenants may raise a support request ticket by sending a mail to All such support emails are sought to be responded within two business, days. Genamet support staff may contact the Tenant or the user by email, phone, Skype, chat, WhatsApp or any other means depending on Genamet’ s prevailing support policies. Support is available on weekdays between 10 am IST and 7 PM IST and between 10 am IST to 2 PM IST on weekends.
To resolve a support ticket, Genamet may require well documented examples of the alleged issue at hand. This will help in replication of the alleged error under practical conditions. Any defect caused due to inappropriate use or unauthorised use or due to defects in the Tenant’s network or computer or caused by an external software over which Genamet has no control will not be addressed.
In the event of a sale, transfer, merger, acquisition, sale of assets or a reorganisation, this agreement can be assigned partially or fully at the sole discretion of Genamet. The Tenant cannot assign, sub license, or transfer this agreement or account without our written consent.
Genamet aims to prevent any dispute with Tenants. Users may send an email to with complete details of their account and the issue that needs resolution. We strive to resolve all issues within a reasonable period and in an amicable manner. If any action or proceeding is brought in connection with the agreement, the venue of such action shall be the courts in the city of Bangalore, State of Karnataka, India.
From time to time we may restrict access to all or some parts of the site and services to registered users. We also reserve the right to restrict access to the site/service offered by the site if in our opinion, you use the site in contravention of the terms of service.
In rare instances Genamet and its services may not be available due to circumstances that are beyond our control such as acts of God, acts of Government, acts of terror, labour problems or technology breakdown. Genamet does not claim that the services provided by Genamet (and its services) are continuous, virus free and error free. Access may not be available during planned or emergency maintenance or during upgrades. All planned maintenance will be scheduled at a non-peak time for the majority of our clients. No compensation or damages or refund is payable for direct, indirect and consequential loss to a Tenant or user for any kind of service interruption. Irrespective of whether the Tenant account is terminated because of non-payment of subscription fee or by Genamet, or by you, or by Genamet, no refund of previously paid amounts is possible. The Tenant continues to be liable for any previously unpaid amounts owed to Genamet.
Genamet grants the Tenant a non-exclusive and non-transferable limited right to access and use the services for internal business purposes only. Access to the services may be terminated at any time without any notice. Access and use of these services cease at the end of the trial period unless the Tenant completes the subscription order. Information that is entered by the Tenant during the trial period will be permanently lost unless a subscription order is completed.
Genamet at its sole discretion may suspend or in some cases terminate a Tenant account if the agreement on terms of use is breached or if Genamet and/or its services are wrongfully used (such as wrongful use of Genamet, inappropriate content, criminal purposes, wrong facts, violation of confidentiality, privacy, security or integrity). If a subscription remains unpaid, the account will be blocked after a period of 3 days from the due date. Two more attempts to obtain payment will be made in the next 7 days, after which the account will be permanently terminated. The Tenant account may also be terminated if the Tenant does not accept any changes to the Terms of use. Access to all data (including files) would be no longer available if the account is terminated. In the case of cancellation of subscription or account termination, all content and data will be deleted within 180 days from the date of account termination. Genamet is not responsible for any loss of data due to account suspension or termination. In the case of account termination due to non-payment of subscription, the Tenant may request for the Clinic data of the Tenant’s practice which will be made available within 90 days of the request as a CSV file. Such requests have to be made within 180 days of account termination by sending a mail to by providing all details of the account. If the account is terminated for any reason other than non-payment of subscription, Genamet is not obligated to provide the Tenant data. Obligations under indemnity and intellectual property rights remain valid post termination as well. On termination, all licenses, software and the service will automatically terminate. Reinstatement of a Terminated account will attract a fee of US$50.
Any provision in the terms of use that Is deemed invalid, void or illegal shall not invalidate other provisions of the agreement. All other provisions remain valid and in force.
a) Genamet is not responsible for any third-party sites that are linked from Genamet or Tenant’s mini websites.
b) Genamet has the right to modify the services offered from time to time for any reason, at its sole discretion.
c) Genamet will not use, retain, disclose, share or sell any Personal Information except for performing the obligations under these Terms of Service except if required by law or by a court order.
d) Tenant is responsible for obtaining consent from patients/clients for collecting and storing their personal information in Genamet and its services.
e) There are no third-party beneficiaries created by this agreement. A Tenant does not become an employee, agent, partner or franchise of Genamet or Wisdomleaf Technologies Private Limited.
f) Genamet may engage with third party providers for integrating their services and making the integrated service available to the Tenant. Genamet takes no responsibility for any acts of omission by such third parties. The Tenant shall keep Genamet indemnified for any loss, damages, claims, expenses suffered due to such acts by the third parties.
g) Genamet may add new services and charge for these services separately.
h) Tenant will ensure payments on time and ensure that your credit or debit cards or other payment instruments continue to be valid.
i) Tenant cannot sell, assign, sublicense, rent, lease or transfer the license provided by Genamet. You cannot translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse assemble, reverse engineer all or any part of the Service.
j) Genamet is not responsible for delay in delivery of email and SMS.
k) Genamet reserves the right to modify or terminate any provision of the terms of use and at any time and at its sole discretion.
l) Genamet may update or change the terms of use or this agreement from time to time. You are deemed to have accepted any revisions or changes if Tenant or user accesses Genamet or its services after the terms are updated/changed.
m) Genamet will permit access to the Tenant’s health information and data to its system developers (including employees, suppliers, contractors) with appropriate confidentiality agreements in place.
n) Genamet reserves the right to revise the subscription rates by giving 30 days prior notice through a notice in the website or through an email.
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Welcome to Genamet.
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billed monthly$45
billed monthlyEverything in Silver, plus
billed monthlyEverything in Gold, plus
billed yearly$486
billed yearlyEverything in Silver, plus
billed yearlyEverything in Gold, plus
Mobile responsive
SEO Optimised
Content Management System (Text, Videos, Images)
Unlimited Content Updating
Maintenance and Support
Unlimited Appointments
Unlimited Email
Unlimited SMS (Available only for clients based in India.)
Reminder SMS (Available only for clients based in India.)
Recurring appointments
Custom booking page with unique url
Paperless intakes
Online appointments requests
Calendar sync
Appointment request widget
Android app for staffs
Integration with payment gateway as on addon
Standard forms (Simple Notes, Quick Notes )
Custom advanced notes ( Max of 2 )
Appointment history
Patient profiles
Order tests
Prescribe medication
Machine learning
Upload documents
Medical certificates
Previous notes
Previous patient history
ICD-10 autocomplete
Vitals tracking
Allergy information
Diagnosis & treatment plans
Unlimited teleconsultations
HIPAA compliant teleconsulting with PIN based access
Reminders for appointments
Sharing of prescription over SMS
Integrated online payments ( Add-on )
Generate invoices
Generate reciepts
Receivables management
Staff login
Android app for booking appointments
Block unavailable time ( timeoff )
Confirm arrivals, reschedules, cancel
Multiple bookings for same timeslot
Capture patient vitals
Doctor notes ( Subject to doctor aproval ) - immunisation, investigation : send by sms/email to patient
Invoicing and reciepts
Faceted navigators to analyse doctor's patient data
Business performance reports
Financial dashboard
Accounting integrations ( Add - on )
Online help guides
Online training
Online supports